C œ u r d'...
Yuri Wakamori is a floral artist based in Berlin.
Yuri started her career as a florist in her home country Japan, while studying Psychoanalysis at Hosei University.
After 5 years of flower arrangement experience in Tokyo at boutiques such as Ekihana, Flower Gardens, and Hervé Châtilin, Yuri left for France in 2014.
In Paris, Yuri worked with several prominent flower boutiques such as Flower.fr (at rue des saints pères), L'arrosoir, and Oz Garden until 2019. The flower scene in the city of fashion and love not only polished Yuri's artistic creations but also taught her the ways to narrate a poetic and romantic story with flowers.
In 2020, Yuri moved to Berlin, hoping to establish something new and exciting for herself and for her work.
Cœur d'... was born in the heart of Prenazlaurberg, where Yuri continues to think outside of vases and bouqets, crafting flower-based space and time to be shared by many.

フランス・パリではOz garden, L'arrosoir, Flower.fr にて勤務。
イベント装花・店舗装花・ポップアップイベント・セットデザイン・フラワースタイリングをする傍ら「Play」というプロジェクトを立ち上げ、「sortir les fleurs de leur concept (「花の持つ概念を越えさせる)」をコンセプトに様々な分野のアーティストとのコラボレーションを通し花の新たな在り方の可能性を探っている。